Digital Infrastructure Products are focussed on providing a solution in the fields of hosting and ensuring the hosted services are protected through appropriate Security solutions. The private cloud product provides the enterprise with the ability to consume the infrastructure solutions in the AWS way. The advantage is that it is behind the firewall and the data is well protected within the enterprise jurisdiction. The product supports the legacy way of hosting the services by allowing virtual machines to be administered. It also supports the latest trend of service delivery in the container format as well. With both the legacy and the latest being covered by the private cloud, it provides an option for the enterprise to choose between two as well as use both based on the service requirements.
The identity product provides the ability to centrally organize the identities of an enterprise. It also allows single sign-on functionality where a user logs to an application once, but he is automatically logged to the other catalog of application. The Security Related products provide the static analysis of the security vulnerabilities of the code as well it provides the protection of these applications in case of the hacking. These products continuously assess the vulnerabilities that happen across the globe and ensure the applications are protected from the latest threats and vulnerabilities.
The Chatops/Chatbot product will empower the enterprise by providing a conversational interface to achieve the required objective. This new wave of the conversational interface will drive the way in which the applications will interact in the future. The intelligent chatbot will provide the contextual responses to the queries and assist the user in getting their concerns addressed.
The Performance assessment product will assess the performance impact that the application has and also provides the suggestions to improve it upon. The Disaster recovery product ensures that the services are backed up in case of any natural calamities.

  • Next Inc - Managing Identities(IDAAS)
  • Next Inc - Managing Identities(IDAAS)
  • Next Inc - Chat Engine
  • Next Inc - Chat Engine
  • Next Inc - Security Engineering(SAAAAS)
  • Next Inc - Security Engineering(SAAAAS)
  • Next Inc - Performance Enginerring(PEAAS)
  • Next Inc - Performance Enginerring(PEAAS)
  • Next Inc - Disaster Recovery(DRAAS)
  • Next Inc - Disaster Recovery(DRAAS)