
Private Cloud

NEXT, DIS Private Cloud Allows an Enterprise to provide run an Efficient Infrastructure. NEXT EXOS, an Intelligent Private Cloud Platform that offers the ease of use, the robustness of a public cloud with security, the performance of a private cloud. It is a hyper-converged Platform allowing the Enterprise to run Virtual Machines and Container Based Workloads.

Virtual Machines

The Platform is an integrated software/hardware providing distributed compute, storage and network allowing the organization to consume the infrastructure in a more efficient, agile, self-serving manner. EXOS provides a unique layered approach in segmenting the cloud and its dashboard provides a consolidated view of the entire cloud.

Next Inc - Self Service
Self Service

EXOS Platform Management Portal allows users to consume the cloud in a self-service manner. This eliminates the need of App Developers Contacting the Infrastructure Administrator for Resources. Based on the Quota allocated, the Users of the Department, Organization will consume the infrastructure.

Next Inc - Empowering Organization with Analytics
Empowering Organization with Analytics

EXOS Platform empowers the Infrastructure administrator of the Organization by providing real-time analytics inappropriate context. The Administrator will be able to make an informed decision with this analytics.

Next Inc - Active Monitoring and Alerting
Active Monitoring and Alerting

EXOS Platform actively Monitors the Infrastructure and alerts in case of the computer and storage either physical or virtual exceeds the pre-configured threshold. It hierarchy alerts the concerned individual. It actively monitors the Environment, Data enter Temperature and Humidity and alerts in case of anomalies.

Next Inc - Application Orchestration
Application Orchestration

EXOS Platform assists the developers and Infrastructure Administrator in setting up the entire application stack in a click of a button. The Application Stack Auto scales are based on the usage, thereby providing high availability of the services.


EXOS Platform also allows the Enterprise in running Container Workloads. It runs docker containers. The Enterprise will be able to create Docker Swarm Similar Environment, Host, and Stack. The Stack can be orchestrated to auto-scale based on the set threshold.

Next Inc - CI/CD Devops Pipeline
CI/CD Devops Pipeline

EXOS Platform allows native integration with the CI/CD System Jenkins. Any Code Pushed to the git repository will flow through the DevOps Pipeline and will run on the EXOS Platform automatically. The Changes can be reviewed and if required rolled back.

Next Inc - Private Registry
Private Registry

EXOS Platform allows an enterprise in setting up a private registry. The private registry will house all the containerized application images. This is similar to Docker hub except that it is hosting the images specific to the enterprise.

Next Inc - Catalog

EXOS Platform provides a catalog of most popular application stacks like Jenkins, MySQL, Maria, GlusterFS etc. This Application stack can be provisioned in a click of a button empowering the developer community in getting the required services in instant.

Next Inc - Application Stack Visibility
Application Stack Visibility

A stack is a group of services. Stacks can be used to group together services that implement an application. It defines a basic service as one or more containers created from the same image. Service (i.e. consumer) linked to another service (i.e. producer) within the same stack are made discoverable to the “consuming” service.